RSD Luke – Social Circle Blueprint Download
Vegas Immersion Inside Scoop
Find out exactly how you can build massive amounts of comfort with girls by using my simple qualification technique to have her melt in your arms. -
Luke and Max (Hawaii)
Take an exclusive sneak peak into our annual instructor retreat with Luke and Max in Hawaii. Get an an inside scoop into Max and Luke’s secrets of how they can self amuse themselves on autopilot. Learn how a simple free association trick can can turn them into the life of party and can generate massive amounts of attraction. -
Attraction Building Sequence
In this bonus I am going to reveal the my bulletproof attraction sequence that I have previously only revealed on live programs which can help generate attraction any time any place almost effortlessly -
Party Invitation
Get a chance to attend an exclusive event with Luke to put all your Social Circle Blueprint skills into action and party like a VIP with other likeminded brothers who joined the course like you did. -
This super secret bonus has never been released before and will be a MASSIVE surprise.
This is the story of a man…
A man who grew up on a farm in rural Wisconsin…
A man who suffered from crippling social anxiety, loneliness, and isolation while he drank his life away in cold North American winters…
A man who was lost in darkness of his own insecurities …
This is also the story of a man…
A man who completely turned his life around.
A man who went from broke and depressed to living a baller life in Las Vegas
A man who transformed himself from beer chugging redneck to hanging out with the world’s most famous celebrities, getting invited to the best VIP-only events, and having THREESOMES multiple times per week like clockwork …
This is the story of a man named Luke.
Hi, I’m Luke,
I grew up in a very rural area of Wisconsin
I grew up on a farm where the nearest town was 45 minutes away
I grew up pretty anti-social, it was more about hunting, fishing, and outdoor sports.
I was put in social situations, and I wasn’t equipped with the tools to handle them.
I didn’t know what to do…
It wasn’t really my fault – I didn’t have the history, the experience, or the knowledge base to give me the skillset of how to actually interact with other people.
Then, as I progressed through middle school / high school – I never really focused on social life – I never went to parties, I never went to dances…
I was quite a bit – a LONER.
Then, I got into software design… I started writing computer programs – I started doing things that were very nerdy… very geeky.
And I enjoyed those things, but it just made me even more of a loner.
One of the first moments I realized that I needed to work on my social skills –
I was in high school, and I realized that I didn’t know who to sit with at lunch.
I would go in the library, read books, and code software – none of these things were very social activities.
It took several years later before I took my first bootcamp, did my first approaches, and got any results whatsoever.
I just kind of stuck to myself.
Where I maintained friendships with 1 – 2 people… I got my first kiss at 21 years old.
If you think being overweight and gaming is challenging, if you feel that not having a large social circle and trying to game is challenging…
Imagine being out of shape… in your youth… and constantly being made fun of… constantly being put down… constantly being told by the world around you that you are not enough…
Constantly having fun poked at me…
Struggle, confusion, frustration, hard times…
Reinforced negative conditioning over and over again that you are not good enough…
Imagine the damaged inner game that that created…
The worry, the anxiety, the self-doubt…
But also…
Imagine the MOTIVATION that it instilled in me.
To learn the game concepts that are necessary to achieve the results that you’re after.
The truth is…
Before things got better, they got a LOT worse.
One day, I woke up, and I realized:
I hit rock bottom…
I realized – this was it.
Either I was going to give up, and honestly – every single part of me wanted to.
I just wanted it to stop.
I wanted to stop going out, and getting made fun of.
I wanted to stop coming home, and feeling a deep-rooted sadness at the bottom of my heart.
I wanted to stop being afraid to open up… I wanted to JUST BE ME, and to be accepted for that.
Even though I was beat up mentally, emotionally, and spiritually…
There was a little piece inside…
Something that I could sense at the very back of my mind… deep inside my heart…
I had to make a choice.
I could give up…
I could do something about it.
So, what did I do?
I got myself up…
I made a CHOICE…
No more sitting in a dark room, coding away my best years, stuck in a downward spiral of isolation and depression.
No more walking out of my front door, and not being able to connect to those around me, constantly suppressing the feeling that I just “don’t belong”.
No more coming home, and hoping, praying, begging that maybe, just maybe… there would be some magical way out… some force that would interfere, and get me on the right track.
I stopped trying to “hope my way to success”, and I focused on one thing:
Improving myself, every single minute, of every day.
And sure, I’m not perfect now, but it was that decision to change that ended up being so critical to my progress.
The more choices I made, the more my world started changing…
The more I worked, the better I got… and the more patterns I saw…
And the coolest thing was…
I actually started to see results.
Suddenly, it became completely clear:
As long as I kept putting one foot in front of the other, I would keep making progress, and I would continue moving in a positive direction.
It wasn’t long before I looked around – and I couldn’t even believe it:
I was here, and I was doing things that I never thought I could do before.
In fact, now I’m doing things I could have never even DREAMED OF in the craziest reality, it’s absolutely insane.
Looking back, it was the journey that got me here, without it – I would still be stuck in the same old patterns of failure, still under-achieving, still miserable.
I found myself in a new reality, and I realized something:
I was getting laid a lot more… hanging out with amazing people… and being invited to the top events in town.
At the end of the day, it came down to one very important concept:
Reference Points
Your reference points are your benchmarks, they are your “defaults” which affect your perception of who you are as a human being.
For most of your life, your reference points have been defined for you. Everything you’ve thought, everything you’ve felt, and everything you’ve done has simply been a REACTION to what life has thrown at you.
The Social Circle Blueprint will allow you to finally FLIP THAT DYNAMIC, isolate the reference points, and allow you to DEFINE YOUR OWN REALITY.
The Social Circle Blueprint will empower you to generate your own reference points, manage your own state, and establish your own defaults of perception.
As you change your INTERNAL reference points, your EXTERNAL reference points will change.
As you change your EXTERNAL reference points, your INTERNAL reference points will change.
You will no longer be defined by a reality that has been hyper-imposed on you.
You will discard the fabricated perspective of a DELUSIONAL REALITY, and for the first time ever – You will embrace your TRUE REALITY.
As you define your true reality, you will become STRONGER in your resolve, MORE CONFIDENT in your skills as a man, MORE CONNECTED in your social circle, MORE EMPOWERED to TAKE ACTION, and MORE PASSIONATE about every single area of your life.
Looking back at my life, I couldn’t help but wonder:
What was it that triggered it?
What made me able to do this?
What was it that separated me from other men around me who were:
- More attractive…
- More wealthy…
- Seemingly had every other advantage…
- And yet… they never quite “got it”?
The biggest difference came down to one very simple concept:
I changed, because I made a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to change, and I TOOK ACTIONS that aligned with that choice.
If I hadn’t made that one choice, what would my life look like?
Would I be…
- Doing cool shit?
- Have a social circle with some of the most successful guys in the world?
- Going to the best events, parties?
- Hanging out with the hottest women on the planet?
- Having threesomes, and other wild adventures most guys can only dream of?
Or, would I be…
- Still doing lame shit…
- Still surrounded by the same people, doing the same things…
- Still stuck at home, writing line after line of code…
- Still getting mediocre-at-best results with women
- Still looking at women I WISH I could sleep with from a distance…
It sounds so cliche right?
“Yeah you made a choice… oooookay!”
But the reality is, as you are watching this, right now:
You have a choice you KNOW you need to make, or an action you KNOW you need to take, and yet…
Here’s the truth about choice:
A real choice is SCARY!
I’m not talking about what drink you should order at the bar…
I’m talking about the really big, earth-shattering, life-changing choices you need to make that scare the shit out of you because they’re almost “too real”.
Understand this:
Out of all the choices you make in your life, the scariest ones are the ones that make the most impact.
To make a real choice is a scary thing. When done right – it upsets the usual ‘calm’ of everyday life, it shatters your reality, and it turns things upside down.
With every choice I made… it got a little less scary… and a little more exciting…
With every choice I made, my world changed.
My perspective on the world changed, my attitude changed, and the most important thing – my actions changed.
After my actions changed… that was it:
My results changed.
As soon as my results changed, my friends started asking me:
“Dude, that’s insane… how are you doing this?”
“Can you teach me how to do that?”
That’s when I realized that there was a massive opportunity in front of me.
The opportunity to MAKE AN IMPACT, to make a change, to make the lives of the people around me better.
This one change had such a profound impact on my life – I simply HAD TO SHARE IT.
You might not realize it right now watching this…
From this day, moving forward – you have the power in your hands to change things.
It doesn’t matter if you’re not good looking, confident, or crushing it…
It doesn’t matter if you’re down on your luck, shattered, or broken…
It doesn’t matter if you feel completely alone in the world…
Because you have something inside of you that’s waiting to be unleashed.
There is an untapped potential inside of you that’s dying to be discovered.
The thing is:
This is your moment.
This is YOUR TIME to take your life into your own hands.
It is my mission in life to empower you to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.
My life purpose is to get you to a place in your life where you feel successful, capable, and proud of your accomplishments as a man.
I can no longer stand by and watch as you live a life of mediocrity and “average results”.
That’s why I’ve taken it upon myself to solve this puzzle for you once and for all.
I traveled around the entire world training client after client, hitting sticking point after sticking point, eliminating limiting belief after limiting belief.
With each client, each challenge, and each victory…
I got one more piece of the puzzle.
I got one step closer to putting it all together.
With every piece it put together… it became clearer, and clearer, and clearer…
I was building something REALLY EXCITING
I want to give you the power to take your life into your own hands, and get the success that you’re after. I want you to be able to solve your own puzzle… in life… in game… and in your social circle.
That’s why I created The Social Circle Blueprint.
The Social Circle Blueprint is the #1 way for you to learn to sleep with the hottest women, get into the best venues, and guarantee that you are surrounded by people that empower, inspire, and motivate you – every day for the rest of your life.
Social Circle Game and Cold Approach go Hand in Hand, the skills transfer over flawlessly.
The principles, concepts, and techniques you learn inside The Social Circle Blueprint will give you a new perspective on the results that are possible. It will re-invigorate your excitement for cold approach, especially if you’ve previously found it too slow, too difficult, or too exhausting.
After you get The Social Circle Blueprint, every single approach will be MAXIMIZED, no more wasted time having “blank interactions”, or approaches that don’t go anywhere – where others experience failure, YOU WILL SUCCEED.
Yes, you will get laid more, and yes, you will get hotter women than ever before, but not only that:
The Social Circle Blueprint will help you:
Build Your Self-Esteem
- Eliminate fear of rejection, breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and remove feelings of anxiety, depression, and the illusion of “not being enough”
- Establish a rock-solid sense of true unshakable confidence, and create a magnetic force field of fun around yourself and your group
- Elevate and improve your perception of your own potential, and never have a bad night out, because you will be surrounded by people that you enjoy spending time with.
Get Real 10’s
- Stop banging 6’s and 7’s and calling them 9’s and 10’s. This will allow you to get REAL 9’s and 10’s, instead of settling for below-average results.
- The Social Circle Blueprint will snap you out of your DELUSIONAL REALITY
- The Social Circle Blueprint will lock you into a NEW REALITY full of POTENTIAL, POSSIBILITY, and POSITIVITY.
Become the Center
- Stop being on “the outside” looking in, stop being stuck in this “mode of isolation”, and stop being surrounded by people that are not helping you grow.
- The Social Circle Blueprint will get you IN THE CIRCLE, get you surrounded by cool people, and make sure that you are always a part of the group, and never miss out.
- The Social Circle Blueprint will have you BECOME THE CENTER of the circle, have fun in every situation, be the life of the party, and have people gravitate towards you.
- Learn the concept of “Social Currency” and maximize every interaction. Every cold approach, every number, every night out will build on itself.
- Show you how you can build your own skillsets by surrounding yourself with the right people – it’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know.
- Become influential and powerful by leveraging high-status networks and “connecting the dots” for powerful people.
Save Money
- Understand “Experiences as Capital”. When mastered, this concept will allow you to save money every single time you go out.
- The Social Circle Blueprint will show you how to leverage high-status items and lifestyle components for CHEAP.
- Not only will you SAVE MONEY, but you will actually make MORE money from the high-value connections and opportunities that The Social Circle Blueprint will open for you.
Go Above and Beyond what you thought was possible
- Show you how to talk your way into the most exclusive venues
- Show you the foolproof way to get threesomes, and how to use those threesomes to get you foursomes, and more…
- Demonstrate how to use Status Game to effortlessly “game the location” while sitting back and seemingly “doing nothing”
- Finally understand the dynamics behind high-status game and table game, and get behind the velvet ropes.
- And a whole bunch of other game… which we can’t really show you here! 😉
Here is what you will find inside The Social Circle Blueprint:
The Core Product (12+ Hours of Deep-Dive Mastermind Content):
Conquering Fears
Overcoming the Fear of Approaching, the Fear of Rejection, the Fear of Missing Out, and how to Leverage those Fears to YOUR ADVANTAGE.
Inner Game
Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, and Self-Confidence as it relates to Social Circle, Attraction, and Immediate Results Across the Board.
Mastering Logistics
Approaching, Escalating, and the Art of the Pull (Especially in High-Volume, High-Quality Environments).
Principles of Pre-Selection
Pre-Selection, Evolutionary Psychology, and The Social Trigger Points that Make Women Turned on “By Default”.
Social Capital
Social Proof, Social Capital, and How to Use Social Leverage to “Game on Autopilot”, Achieving Effortless, High-Impact Results.
Understanding High-Status Game
Club Game, and Table Game, High-Value and High-Status Game Broken Down to the Finest Details.
How To Game 9’s and 10’s
The way to get the women you thought were “too good for you”, or “out of your league”.
Save Money, Make Money
The Framework for Using The Social Circle Blueprints to Not Only Save You Money – But Actually MAKE YOU MONEY!
- Exclusive After-Party Access
- Staying at High-End Hotels and Renting Penthouses
- Driving Exotic Cars
- Meeting People in High-Value and High-Status Areas
- Throwing Your Own Events with Little / No Cost
Secret Final Module
The Secret Final Module includes topics and footage that would be deemed “too real” to put in the rest of the product, you will enjoy this!
Join The Social Circle Blueprint Tribe!
Everyone who is a part of The Social Circle Blueprint Tribe is dedicated to results.
Everyone who is a part of our group is there to provide value to one another, and to maximize each others’ results.
Become a part of the Tribe and take advantage of the social arbitrage of the group.
Vegas Immersion Inside Scoop
Find out exactly how you can build massive amounts of comfort with girls by using my simple qualification technique to have her melt in your arms. -
Luke and Max (Hawaii)
Take an exclusive sneak peak into our annual instructor retreat with Luke and Max in Hawaii. Get an an inside scoop into Max and Luke’s secrets of how they can self amuse themselves on autopilot. Learn how a simple free association trick can can turn them into the life of party and can generate massive amounts of attraction. -
Attraction Building Sequence
In this bonus I am going to reveal the my bulletproof attraction sequence that I have previously only revealed on live programs which can help generate attraction any time any place almost effortlessly -
Party Invitation
Get a chance to attend an exclusive event with Luke to put all your Social Circle Blueprint skills into action and party like a VIP with other likeminded brothers who joined the course like you did. -
This super secret bonus has never been released before and will be a MASSIVE surprise.
Hot Seat Infield Breakdown #1 “Breaking Rapport”
UNRELEASED INFIELD VIDEO of Luke showing you how breaking rapport can be the most effective shortcut to get her attracted to you
Luke and Papa Networking Super-Module
In this EXCLUSIVE interview Luke and Nick go behind the scenes and talk about their personal networking secrets that will allow to get beyond the red rope into high caliber VIP events
Immersion Bonus Training Session #1
Watch Luke dive deep into the advanced logistics and pulling in this unreleased Vegas Immersion Special
Hot Seat Infield Breakdown #2 “Tandem Game”
Threesome game revealed: Watch this Hot Seat breakdown of how Luke pulls a threesome and get his insight on how you can pull this off almost immediately
Luke and Jeff Talking Tables
In this after hours EXCLUSIVE Luke and Jeff go deep and show you how to game yourself so you can take over any VIP table, become the life of the party and start being the center of attention.
Immersion Bonus Training Session #2
In this behind the scenes video of Vegas Immersion Luke shows you how to escalate effortlessly without being branded a creep.
Live Vegas Immersion Training
Get a chance to be selected for an EXCLUSIVE night of Immersion Training by Luke in Las Vegas, Nevada – along with the Entire Immersion Crew
The Social Circle Blueprint is the most comprehensive program on the market when it comes to building your social circle, elevating your game to the next level, and getting those high-level perks and results that you’re after.
Stop sitting around with your hand down your pants, and start banging hotties.
SCB.part1.rar – 9.77 GB
SCB.part2.rar – 1.55 GB
RSD Luke – Social Circle Blueprint