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Get One Date, And The 2nd One Is On Me! Challenge That’s right…
I’m Jeff Allen, and I’ve been teaching guys how to get laid since 2003… And for the past 3 years I’ve devoted myself to do so in the Modern Day ways: on the internet.
And after perfecting my Online Masterpiece, and refining it only after what works, I’m going to get you your 2nd Date*, just for loving getting laid as much as I do…
Use ‘The Program’ To Get Your First Date and I will get the 2nd date (possibly hotter) for you, free…
*For the top 30 guys who put this system to work during the next 7 days, and go out on a date with a girl you met online using this system, which frankly should take you 24 hours if you start taking action right now; and send me proof (message thread screenshot plus a picture of both of you, for example), I will go on your profile, and message back and forth with any girl you really want to go out on a date with, and will get her to come out with you
The Program
The Ruthlessly Efficient, Highly Repeatable System For The Modern Day Online Gangster
Volume. Systemization. Automation. Screening.
I am going to turn you into an Online Game Gangster, from Day 1. The Program was designed to cut through the bullshit, find you only hot women who are looking to get laid, to like what you look like, what you say, and make them want to come out with you for the purposes of sex.
And this is how I’m going to make this happen for you:
- What your profile SHOULD look like to Attract her attention and get her wanting to message you
- PICTURES ARE WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS, and in your case, it determines if you get laid. I’m going to tell you what to do, but especially what NOT to do, and invite her to respond favorably
- Creating the Content for your Profile. What you say MUST be ATTRACTIVE. And there’s a Formula for that. I will share every detail of it (as well as what’s PATHETIC to include)
- What constitutes a GREAT essay description of yourself and your interests. If you come off too douchey, or weak, she will NEXT YOU in an instant
- I will share with you the “Magic Behind Matches”, where I’ll teach you how to match your questions and answers SO YOU ONLY MATCH WITH THE ONES WHO WANT TO HAVE SEX
- SCREEN. SCREEN. SCREEN. After YEARS of trial and error, I figured out a pattern of the girls who were “just looking for sex”. These parameters are the Pot of Gold of Online Game. You’ll never go out with a girl who doesn’t have sex on her mind when meeting with you
- WHAT DO YOU SAY ON THE FIRST MESSAGE. It’s VERY important, but maybe not for the reasons you might think. I’m going to give you the FOUR ELEMENTS of your first message, which will get a response rate up in the 80s (and if she responds, she’s likely to be DTF)
- Messaging Back and Forth and GETTING HER NUMBER. This is the Holy Grail of Online “Turn Stranger Into Someone I Like”. It will set the tone for the initial interaction, and will keep her interested. All the elements are here
- AUTOMATING THE ENTIRE PROCESS. I will share with you, how a little bot does all the work for me, once I selected the girls I like, I literally have the computer message all the girls for me, on complete autopilot. Zero extra effort on my part, and I can just enjoy the benefits
- This is where we get the job done. In a painstakingly detailed format, I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO SMOOTH SAIL ALL THE WAY BACK TO YOUR PLACE. Where and how to meet up with her, what to say in the first few minutes, how to keep it man to woman, how to turn her on and how to avoid any bullshit that might get in the way of having sex that same night
- SEEDING THE PULL. This is so Goddamn Repeatable it’s not even funny. I will show you what to say to get her thinking about going home with you, what to say to get her in you car, all the way to HOW TO GET HER TO TAKE OFF HER CLOTHES.
- HOW TO MAKE HER ATTRACTED AND COMFORTABLE WITH YOU during the date, and the contingencies that come with it if you’ve successfully pulled her back to your home, but isn’t sure if she should do it. I share every secret I’ve got under my sleeve to close her.
- THE THREE DATE PROCESS TO KEEP A GIRL ON ROTATION. I have a consistent rotation of women whom I’ve slept with from the Internet, and there’s a particular way to keep them on as fuck buddies for months to come. Here’s how to do it.
- How to rekindle long lost conversations and how to go about meeting them up, so you reap the benefits of your hard work, in a non-creepy, fully sex-worthy fashion
- WHAT TO DO IN CASE YOU START GETTING LAID A LOT. I’m not kidding. It can become extremely easy using this to get lost in a deep sea of pussy, but here I make sure your life stays balanced and you find true abundance in your dating life
Again, I’ve gone OVERBOARD with building a system anyone can literally get rolling and start getting dates and an abundance of women in their lives
But for those who are TRULY looking to amp up their learning and want to get FASTER AND BETTER RESULTS, you just have to see it in action, and here’s what I’ve prepared for you
You get everything the KILOBYTE level has, PLUS:
- A look inside MY OWN PERSONAL PROFILE and how I have tweaked it to perfection, getting me the attention of a hot 20 year old tall blonde in a tight dress at the club
- I’ve included CASE STUDIES of not only me, but people who do Online Game successfully, and I’m going to break it down, one by one, so you pick up on the patterns needed to land the girl. Your own style will be the deadliest it’s ever been
- BAD CASE STUDIES. Probably my favorite section of the entire Program. Here is where we get to both mock the wannabes and learn from their mistakes in just a few minutes. DO NOT be one of them. It’s instant repellent to women.
- GOOD CASE STUDIES. Where I will share with BOSS-LIKE responses, attitudes, and very smooth closes, which will get you going out with girls left and right. These are Golden, and you’ll see the variations in style from mine, yet the same principles apply
- HOW TO MANAGE VOLUME and maximize all your leads. What to expect once you get it all dialed in. 20 out of 100 is excellent response rate. Screening is the key, thus the percentage, but the ones you do engage with, will most likely choose to fuck you.
- DIFFERENT YET SUCCESSFUL ONLINE GANGSTERS CASE STUDIES. See, this section is right up there with my favorites. These guys UNDERSTAND THE PRINCIPLES and get the job done. Even if 10% rubs off on you, getting laid this week won’t be hard at all
- PREMIUM JEFFY CASE STUDIES. Now some of these case studies were pretty Epic because it either took me a while to get them out, they were bitchy, unresponsive or what have you, and I still managed to get them out and sleep with them. This is advanced shit, son. Be ready for advanced level results here
- TYPICAL ONLINE GAME WEEK. If I see that a girl will be a no-lay, I get rid of her, and know that I have 2 or 3 more lined up I can meet up and sleep with THAT SAME DAY AND TIME. I will break down what a person’s week who is fully immersed into banging hotties off the internet, looks like. This is pure gold
LIVE EVENT (will be recorded)
I will reveal to you the new things I am currently working on that are not included in The Program as they are in the beta version. Here’s what to expect at the Live Event:
New Online Game Technology
Live Breakdown of Profiles and How To Improve Them
New Stories & Adventures Since the release of The Program
And much, much more…
And even if you can’t attend, we will be recording it and sending it all our members at this level. This is the stuff no one talks about and always end up leveling up more than a few notches and closing like crazy. You do NOT want to miss this…
After going through The Program, you’ll be armed to your teeth with concepts and game technology to get girls to meet out with you for the purposes of sex. HOWEVER, I understand that this is all new and may be a bit challenging mastering.
This Facebook Group Solves That Problem
I will FRANTICALLY ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS about Online Game. From “What do I say to this girl now???” to “I got this chick out last night and wouldn’t bang…” to “When is the right time to make out?” (Yes, I will also answer stupid questions about game in general, and I will call you out on it, but you’ll know it’s tough love)
And every individual on there will be a contributing member of getting you to being a Master of Getting Your Dick Wet from Online Dating
I will give you the absolute most advanced INFIELD FOOTAGE and techniques so you DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE LEARNING CURVE I DID
In other words, The Program is designed to get you laid and allow you to collect your own reference points and improve along the way. I help you get the ball in front of the goal as many times as you desire.
But with this Level, it’s like having me in your brain as I kick the ball for you, telling you where to put it, how hard, how to manage overcome obstacles, and demonstrating with VIDEO OF ME DOING IT.
After going through this Level, you are bound to getting a girl home within 24 hours if you apply everything I’m about to teach you right away. No Joke. I include:
- INFIELD OF DATE ESCALATION. I teach you with LIVE INFIELD FOOTAGE the smooth transition to making her comfortable at your advances, and how to do so so that your date gets as hot and heavy as possible for the pull
- INFIELD OF TEXTBOOK ESCALATION. During this 48 min infield footage, I present all the elements of what it takes to get a home from applying what I teach you “by the book”. You will have a clearer understanding after watching it being done, and by extension better execute it
This is the Epitome of My Online Game. With The Program Series, I have debunked any bullshit objection guys have when trying to close a date from Online Dating.
I went on literally HUNDREDS OF DATES to accrue this knowledge for you. And it took me THREE YEARS to collect them.
I break down THE FOUR ARCHETYPES OF WOMEN YOU WILL INEVITABLY RUN INTO when going on dates from Online Dating (heck, even from numbers you collect in a single night or day)
The Program Series Include: The Shy/Awkward GirlYou get to your date, she seems awesome over text, you know you’re going to get some that night, and then… SHE’S SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE AND AWKWARD and is CONSTANTLY debating whether she should go home or not
In this Series, I demonstrate LIVE to you HOW TO TURN ANY SHY OR AWKWARD GIRL AROUND so she loosens up quickly and is COMFORTABLE with your ADVANCES. This means she’ll be very happy she stayed with and slept with you. I cover:
- How she was INCREDIBLY UNRECEPTIVE to me, giving me one-worded answers and contributing NOTHING to the conversation. I show you how I got her to open up
- How she wasn’t having any of my Sexual Advances, and I could tell in her face. In this one minute alone in the Infield Footage, I show you how we went from 0-60 on the sexual totem pole
- How I made her super comfortable to going home with me the first night, destroying all shyness, even in the bedroom (NOTE: THIS APPLIES FOR ALL SHY GIRLS)
Now this is a similar in Contribution Reciprocity, yet VERY differently handled. We’re talking about a girl who AFTER TWO MINUTES of sitting down with me, and her first drink in her hand, said:
“Yea, this isn’t working out at all…”
What does that tell you? That:
- A) She felt ZERO attraction, or
- B) That her expectations were way different, or
- C) That she downright wasn’t being handled the way a girl like that wants and needs to be handled
(HINT: It’s Answer C)
As I showed you in the video above, she goes from not wanting anything from me, to lap dancing me, PULLING ME INTO THE BATHROOM… all the way to taking me to what was probably SOME OF THE BEST SEX I’d ever had in my ENTIRE LIFE
And I teach you exactly how turn around this type of girl. It’s so much fun (and hot)
The Friendzoning Girl
What is the main reason why women do not see you as a GUY THEY WOULD SLEEP WITH? Well, you know what’s worse?
To show up for your romantic date, and her feeling like you’re all talk (via online), by being witty and funny and sexual, and then on the actual date, she sees you don’t walk it
Regardless of how ridiculously attractive I am, the girl needed some serious “eye-openers” to realize how attracted she really was with me. And this had nothing to do with shit-testing me. It was worse.
This Had To Do With Sparking Attraction
Now, I’m all for assuming attraction. But girls are different in certain ways, and this Archetype of girl ALWAYS responds insanely well with the way I handled this date. And it’s ALL IN INFIELD FOOTAGE FORMAT with Breakdown so you know what to do when you get this type of hottie
The “Hot Princess”
While it’s true that there isn’t an abundance of models looking to hook up online, I HAVE been on more than a handful of dates with such dime-pieces, and I had to make sure I knew how to close those when I encountered them.
Now, we all have our “10 girl”. That’s very subjective. But this one chick, turned heads everywhere we went. And not only that, she had all the attitude of a girl that hot
What Am I Talking About?
A TEN won’t give you social feedback
This means that unlike the bitchy or the shy girl, you literally have to give yourself permission to escalate, to keep talking, to KNOW IN YOUR CORE that you’re doing the right thing
A TEN won’t be a bitch to you
Truly beautiful women who are used to hanging out with high status people, do not give you an attitude. They don’t have to, especially since you’re on a date with her. They expect you to know when to pull the trigger without having to validate your poor little heart
A TEN won’t give you “your chance to Escalate”
These girls are so used to making men feel super horny that they hardly give any windows to let you make a move on her. Again, you have to have developed a certain sense of social awareness to know she’s ready to be escalated on
I’m gonna teach you how I do all this and I got the job done, son.
Managing And Dating Multiple Women
There is a caveat to banging a ton of hoes. Really. You have to set the right expectations, and have the girls agree to them. Not every girl will be ok with you banging every slut on the block besides her…
Until now.I am going to tell you exactly how to handle your women so they stay on constant rotation on a Fuckbuddy basis, no strings attached.
BONUSES (14 DAYS ONLY): If you pick it up in the next 14 days, you’ll also get an INSANE bonus package that I’ve put together for you
BONUS #1 Nine Ball Audibook
The first bonus in this special “goodie bag” I’ve prepared is an audio book version of my infamous book “Nine Ball: Confessions of an Angst-Ridden Maniac Who Decided to Get Laid or Die Trying.”
If you liked reading the book, then I think you’ll find that hearing it narrated in my voice, the guy who actually wrote and lived it, gives it entirely new layers of depth and meaning.
If you’ve never read it before, either because you never got around to it or just don’t have the time to sit down with a book, this is a great way to experience it.
BONUS #2 Pandurr Shirt Off My Back… Literally
Second, I’m giving you “the shirt off my back”… LITERALLY. Every VIP member who gets THE PROGRAM will receive along with it a special edition PANDURR shirt, the very shirt that I’m wearing in the product itself. Sharpen your game and look sharp at the same time!(S&H not included in bonus)
BONUS #3 My Macros Collection
You’ll also get my collection of image macros and gifs that I text to girls. We’re talking about hundreds and hundreds of images, painstakingly curated by me over many years, each one imparting a unique emotional color and punch to your text interactions
BONUS #4 My Sex Spotify Playlist
As well as my private Gettin’ Laid Playlist. Every aspect of my game “from soup to nuts” is carefully considered and finely honed to create the smoothest, most awesome time ever for the girl, down to the groovy tunes I put on back at the pad. Take the guesswork out of it, throw this playlist on and get down to business.
RDJETP.part1.rar – 9.77 GB
RDJETP.part2.rar – 8.40 GB