Chase Amante – How To Text a Girl Download
This guide will show you exactly how to text a girl.
- Texting a girl examples
- Copy-paste texting templates
- Emerging texting trends
- Must-read resources
- Lots more
If you want to go from novice to ‘textpert’, this guide is for you.
Let’s begin.
About the Author
I’m an old school guy who came up when girls still expected calls.
I realized back then I could do things more easily if I knew how to text a girl.
So, I sought to make texting as simple as I could (because I hate wasting time).
Thanks to years of comparing notes with experts and a lot of experimentation myself, I’ve gotten really good at texting girls…
… including texting them onto dates:
“Resurrection texts” (for girls who ghost):
Even using “texting turnarounds” to transform flakey girls into girls who want to meet up:
Reviewers of my definitive texting guide say my texting methods work again and again, and will change how you approach texting girls:
And in this guide I’ll show you how you can get girls texting how you want like clockwork.
Chapter 1
How to Text a Girl Foundations
Chapter 2
Understand the Basics of Good Texting
Chapter 3
6-Study My 6-Step Texting Blueprint
Chapter 4
Put Your Texts to Work
Chapter 5
Test and Learn
Chapter 6
Implement Advanced Texting Strategies
Chapter 7
Optimize Your Texting Style
Chapter 8
Stay Atop Emerging Trends
Chapter 1: How to Text a Girl Foundations
What’s Texting Used For?
Text messaging is a way to communicate with someone you’re not standing in front of.
People use it to keep in touch, further relationships, and share information.
In dating language, people use texting to flirt, bond, and set up dates.
Texts keep you relevant in a girl’s mind when you’re not physically there.
How Do You Learn How to Text Women?
Everyone texts in day-to-day life.
However, not everyone learns to be good at texting.
There’s no university course it.
Here are the most common ways men learn effective texting with girls:
- Date and text lots of girls
- Find a mentor who knows how to text
- Write a lot and learn great written communication
- Read a book on how to text girls
- Study online articles and videos on texting
Here’s how each of these compare:
Method | Learning Speed | Learning Ease | Learning Cost | Access to Teachers | Expected Results |
Date & text lots of girls | 3/5 | 2/5 | 2/5 | 2/5 | 3/5 |
Find a text mentor | 5/5 | 3/5 | 1/5 | 5/5 | 5/5 |
Become a great writer | 1/5 | 1/5 | 1/5 | 1/5 | 3/5 |
Read a texting book | 4/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 | 2/5 | 4/5 |
Study online advice | 4/5 | 4/5 | 2/5 | 3/5 | 4/5 |
Ways to learn how to text a girl
What Skills Should a Good Texter Know?
There’s a lot more to texting a girl than “Hey girl wats up?”
In fact, there are men so good they rarely end up alone Friday nights.
Text messaging girls is a skill you can improve.
You needn’t be Ernest Hemingway- or Stephen King-good at writing.
However, there are basics that will help improve your texting to meet up with more girls.
That in mind, here are the key skills you’ll need to excel at texting:
- A basic grasp of grammar and writing
- Phone numbers or social media contacts from girls
- A basic grasp of texting fundamentals (hint: this guide will help)
- A few minutes a day to text
- A thick skin and a positive attitude
That’s it. Texting isn’t supposed to be intimidating or difficult.
In the rest of this guide I’ll dive deeper into the art of texting girls: what to text a girl to start a conversation, how to text a girl you don’t know, how to text a girl you like, and more. I’ll also show you texting examples that I and others have used to line up dates with great-looking girls.
Chapter 2: Understand the Basics of Good Texting
In this chapter you will learn the essentials that any good texter needs to know.
These include not just knowing what to text a girl, but also when to text her, for what objective and why. And just as importantly, you will learn what not to text.
Once you have a solid understanding of the basics, you will be well on your way to pulling off advanced texting tactics.
Let’s dive in.
How Texting Girls Works
Understanding how women read men’s texts is key to understanding texting.
When a woman receives a text message, she’s typically in the middle of something. Working, gabbing on social media, reading, watching videos, taking a bath.
She opens up her phone and gives the message she just received a quick scan.
Once she reads your text, she’ll react in one of three (3) possible ways:
- She’ll be ANNOYED because your text demands more than it offers her in return
- She’ll be BORED because your text isn’t too demanding but doesn’t intrigue her either
- Or she’ll be GRABBED because your text intrigues her (and even its demands are fun)
If she’s annoyed (because the text asks too much while offering too little) or bored she’ll text you back a bland response, if she texts you back at all.
Grab her with your texts, however, and she’ll start to message you the good stuff.
Resources to learn about texting psychology
The Psychology Behind Texting Anxiety, According To Science: an in-depth look at what happens in people’s heads as they read and write text messages.
Stop Analyzing His Texting Habits: a female blogger highlights ways women respond to different male texts.
You may be asking yourself:
How do you text a girl in a way that grabs her, not annoys or bores her?
Keep reading…
Important Text Message Impact Factors
The human brain examines around 50 ‘impact factors’ with every text it reads.
Yet you don’t need to know each one.
This is dating science, not rocket science 😉
As it turns out, most of these ~50 impact factors build one of three (3) things:
- Intrigue
- Rapport
- Escalation
Intrigue is when a text you send draws a woman into the conversation.
Rapport is when your text message creates a feeling of 1-to-1 connection.
Escalation is when your message moves things forward with the courtship.
Most men’s messages accidentally mess up on some or all 3 of these.
Here’s an example that fails at all 3:
Why’s the girl so frigid in her reply — what’s wrong with this text?
- It doesn’t intrigue her. Bland statements about last weekend’s party, the latest Hollywood blockbuster, or a generic trip to the gym do not intrigue.
- It doesn’t build rapport with her. Instead it dumps a bunch of unrelated things on her and hopes something sticks.
- It doesn’t escalate things with her. There’s no flirtation; no deeper connecting; and it doesn’t ask her out.
This message gets an ‘E’ for effort but an ‘F’ for execution.
Here’s an even worse example:
Her: [no reply]
Most girls will just ignore a text like this.
No intrigue, no rapport, and NO escalation.
She doesn’t want to reply to that!
So what should your texts do?
A good text builds INTRIGUE, establishes RAPPORT, and creates ESCALATION.
Here is an example of a good text that hits all 3:
The above text achieved all 3 objectives.
It intrigued by mentioning an amazing ski trip without explaining why it was amazing.
It built rapport by using her name, relating to something known about her life (the party), and giving her a gentle ribbing with callback humor (she mentioned fighting with her siblings before).
And it escalated by asking her out on a date.
By the end of this article you will understand why this 3-part approach is the best texting approach for beginners to textperts, and how to use this simple strategy to get the results you want.
Understand the Basics of Content
Need you be a master wordsmith to craft effective text messages?
Absolutely not.
Do you need a basic grasp of the kind of content you’ll send in texts?
Why so?
Women can’t see your expression or hear your voice tone over text message. All they get from you are words (and maybe an emoji).
If you can’t convey what you want to, it’s almost assured the girl you text won’t get your message as you intend.
Plus, it’s important to have an idea what content “helps your cause” versus what wastes her time and interest.
When you understand the basics of what content to include (or not) in texts, then building intrigue, rapport, and escalation becomes way simpler.
Chapter 3: Use My 6-Step Texting Blueprint
If you’re serious about turning numbers & contacts into dates, there are 6 “Texting Blueprint” steps you must follow with each girl you message.
These 6 Texting Blueprint steps guide you from that first contact request to getting her onto a date (and each date after that).
The better you follow these 6 crucial steps, the easier a time you’ll have with everything from what to text a girl to make her smile to how to get a girl to text you back.
Note: this Blueprint assumes you’re after DATES with the women you message. If your chief aim is fun & flirtatious texting in and of itself, you’ll want to switch to the guide on text message flirting.
Okay, let’s jump to it.
Asking Her Out First
What’s the #1 easiest way to make your texting life super simple?
Ask a girl out before you take her contact info.
If you get her contact without asking her out, you have to try to ‘ready’ her over text later and find the right time and way to ask.
If you ask her out first and then take her contact, you get to skip the sticky bit, and your texting gets super streamlined.

This step won’t help you with the girls already in your phone.
But when it comes to how to text a girl you don’t know yet, this step is key: ask her out, take her contact info, then start to text.
For girls you’re already texting, skip ahead one section to “Structuing an ‘Ask Text.'”
For girls you’ve yet to meet, read on for what to text them once you get their contacts.
Sending an Icebreaker
30 to 60 minutes after you first meet her, you’ll send your first text.
I call this text “The Icebreaker Text.”
You’ll send an icebreaker for two reasons:
- The sooner you message, the more natural it’ll feel (waiting is weird)
- Messaging her fast gives let’s her message you back fast if she’s highly interested
(Fun fact: the longer it takes someone to text, the less that person likes the other. i.e., message her quick so she knows you like her!)
The icebreaker you’ll text a girl you’ve just met is a simple, 1-line text with your name.
Why sign your name?
In case she forgets.
You don’t want a “Who’s this?” text… Or her not texting back at all because she’s too embarassed to ask your name.
If she doesn’t reply to your icebreaker, don’t worry.
Because next, we get to the real response-getters…
Structuring an ‘Ask Text’
Now let’s talk about how to text a girl you like – and actually set up a date!
If you’ve followed the 6-Step Texting Blueprint, your next text is a Standard Scheduler Text.
It’s a 4-part text that intrigues, builds rapport, and escalates.

Using her name in the greeting reassures her this message is for HER. +rapport
When you show consideration for her (e.g., ask how her project went… or tell her you hope the rest of her weekened went great) this is also +rapport.
Hint at some funny/interesting new information (e.g., you dove into a fascinating new book… or only this week got addicted to crosswords and now can’t stop) to +intrigue.
And finally check her schedule & request a date to +escalate.
You can do shorter variations if she responds to your icebreaker enthusiastically:
What if you haven’t followed the 6-Step Blueprint?
What if this is a girl you’ve texted, but haven’t asked out?
Simple enough:
Use a transition (“So anyway…”), check her schedule, add a ‘because’ (“Because it’s been forever since we linked up and I’m almost forgetting your face now”), and ask.
And now she’s agreed to a date.
That’s the structure side of things.
Read on to find out when to text her that first real message…
Timing Your First Real Text
Our next topic?
When to send the first text to a girl (the first text after your icebreaker).
Well, it depends how hot a lead she is…

You’ll text sooner or later depending on her ‘lead hotness.’
Normal leads you text your first real message to 1-2 days after you take their contacts.
Warm and hot leads you text sooner.

If you wait too long to text, you risk losing her.
If you text too soon though, you can seem over-eager.
To avoid both, time your first text message to match her interest.
Responding to Maybes
Sometimes when you follow the 6-Step Texting Blueprint and ask a girl out over text message, she says ‘maybe’.

All you do to respond to these is tell her ‘no worries’ or ‘no problemo’ and tell her you’ll drop her a line.

You don’t reschedule immediatelly.
It’d look too eager. She just deflected. If you immediately reschedule, it’s chase-y.
So what do you do?
Tell her you’ll check back later.
Then do.
For more ways to deal with ‘maybes’ and ‘nos’, see my complete guide on ways to text girls.
Now let’s talk about how to text a girl who says ‘yes’.
Arranging “Yes” Dates
If she’s agreed to go out, you’re off to the races.
What comes next is time and place.
You want to ask her schedule, then choose a date & time from her options.
(Fun fact: studies show checking availability before you propose something raises the odds someone says yes by 46%)
The process is:
- She tells you when she’s free,
- and you propose a time within that window,
- then you send the details of the date.

That looks like this:

Now let’s get you to text girls in your phone.
Chapter 4: Put Your Texts to Work

You can browse ‘how to text a girl you like’ examples for hours.
If you want to use texting to get somewhere with women though, you’ve got to start texting.
How do you find girls to text?
One of three (3) ways.
In this chapter I’ll review each of the 3, plus show you the pros and cons of each.
Find New Girls to Text
This was how I cut my teeth with texting.
It’s also how I recommend most men learn how to text a girl.
For this reason:
When you meet new women, you can try new texting strategies fast.
Forget finagling texts to girls you know or faux pas with girls from your circle.
If you have an idea, you can test it, because you have new girls to test with.
If it doesn’t work, and you lose the girl? Go meet more.
This virtuous improvement loop of test → result → adjust → test → result → adjust goes 1000% faster when you have a stream of new women you’re unafraid to experiment with because they’re not tied to your social circle.
In addition, as you meet a steady stream of new women, you naturally acquire both more conversation experience (which helps your texting too) and a sense that women are abundant for you (that makes your texting more confident).
For instance, Alex from Playing with Fire learned to text through what he calls “massive amounts of trial and error.”
He would read a strategy online or dream it up himself and try it a bunch to find the strategies that actually worked (then build on them).
This helped him go from getting almost no success with women to having more girls than he knew what to do with.