Authentic King Manual PDF Download
There Was a Time When I Used To Be So Terrified of Speaking To Women That My Vision Blurred, My Face Turned Beet Red And I’d Stammer Like An Idiot…
But that changed forever when I discovered the secret I share with you on page 120. If you have this same problem, it’ll work like magic for you too.
Success Stories
Delivers the value promised…
The fear I always have is that an ebook won’t match up to the sales buzz created on the promotional site but your Authentic Attraction System certainly delivers the value that you promised. I scanned through it and was very impressed by how thoroughly you covered many topics that truly define the keys of picking up and having success with “bitchy” hot women consistently.
Mike Pilinski, Author, Without Embarrassment
It’s that good.…
Want to get an endless supply of hot, horny women automatically? Mizu’s authentic Attraction System is easy and powerful and any guy can use it. Get it and no matter how bad you are with women, you WILL get laid. Why work hard when you can attract the women you want in minutes? This guide will change your life. It’s that good. I mean that truly, because I don’t give out many compliments.
Steve N., Carlsbad CA
Seriously Mizu, you should seriously call this “The Man’s Bible.”
I cant stop reading it.
Jake K., Boulder, CO
Now here’s more of what you’ll find inside this coveted guide:
What you must do… immediately… as soon as you see any woman in a bar (unless you really want to go home drunk and alone to masturbate)! Page 95
Running out of things to say when talking to girls? Learn how to eradicate this behavior forever so it NEVER HAPPENS TO YOU AGAIN. Page 105
Player secrets that instantly raise your “value” to women (and they have nothing to do with looks, cars or money)! Page 132
How to use the ancient technique of a “Pimp’s Vibe” to draw sexy, young women to you… while you drink beer and totally ignore them! Page 194
The amazing secret to getting over ‘shyness’ around women… permanently… in one weekend! Page 227
proven techniques you can start using this weekend that will have women begging to have ‘anything goes’ sex with you (even if they’re married or have boyfriends)! Page 161
The Stealthy Seduction System that takes you from saying “hello” to a new woman…to sharing orgasms in bed with her… in just one evening! Page 189
silent techniques that ‘magnetically’ get a girl to like you (WARNING: you must agree to use these for legal/moral purposes only). Page 191 – 203
The amazing psychological technique… proven through scientific research… on how to make any woman ‘dripping wet’ for you… with just your mind! Page 120
powerful ‘first date’ secrets that almost spontaneously lead to sex (even if you screw everything else up)! Page 159
The hidden ‘mental hot-button’ that an instantly turn a flaming bitch into a horny slut (and how to push it anytime you want)! Page 171
Simple secrets to changing your “appearance”… as soon as tonight… that will immediately double or even triple your attractiveness to women! Page 135
My very private “5% Man” technique that mentally intoxicates women (and can have women who’ve totally ignored you in the past, now shamelessly flirt for your attention)! Page 86
Why GOING DIRECT can get girls dripping wet (and how to avoid looking like a creepy man so that she feels comfortable around you and wont want to run away.) Page 95
2 magic behaviors you can use … when the moment is right… that almost hypnotically guide a woman into your bedroom! Page 109