Robert Glover – Overcoming the Fear of Success Download | Seven-Part Series on Overcoming the Fear of Success Download
Dr. Robert Glover – Dating Essentials Podcasts
As I began to have dating success, many of my single clients started asking me to describe to them what I was doing that was working so well. Out of these requests came Dating Essentials for Men.
What began as a weekend workshop to present the concepts and skills to a few, has grown into four online courses and a weekly Q&A Podcast that have now helped thousands of men get what they want in love and sex.
Most Men Make Dating Way Too Difficult
One of the most common reactions men have to the material I present in my Dating Essentials for Men courses, workshops, and podcasts is “This is easy, I can do this!”
By showing you how simple it is to talk to women, get their phone numbers, date them, and get them into bed, it increases the likelihood that you will actually get out there and do it.
Dating Essentials for Men is not pickup.I won’t turn you into a “Geek with Techniques.”My goal is to help you expand your social and emotional intelligence to where approaching women, talking to them, and asking them out feels perfectly natural and easy to you.
Dating Essentials for Men will teach you how to:
*Change your thinking
*Soothe your anxiety
*Apply the skills to get out there and approach women with confidence
You will be amazed at how easy it is to meet women, talk to them, get their phone numbers, and even get them into your bed when you learn and practice what really works!
Dating Essentials for Men courses and Q&A Podcasts will help you:
*Clearly identify your goals for dating — and achieve them
*Face your fears and soothe your anxiety
*Learn new, effective skills for dating, mating and breaking up
*Challenge yourself to act and practice new skills
What One Man Can do Another Man Can Do If a dating loser like me can learn how to meet women, get numbers, feel confident, get laid, and find a Really Great Woman – ANYONE CAN!
There is no reason to be single unless you want to be!
Robert Glover – Overcoming the Fear of Success | Seven-Part Series on Overcoming the Fear of Success
In this seven-part Dating Essentials for Men Q&A Podcast series, Dr. Glover states that it is logical to avoid doing what might lead to success if success might bring all of the problems your brain fears it will. He discusses various reasons why Nice Guys fear success and presents ways to identify your fears and your self-limiting beliefs about success. Dr. Glover suggests ways to develop the confidence that you can handle whatever success brings. These include developing a gratitude practice, practicing receiving, celebrating your successes, and letting go of resentment. He discusses strategies for breaking free from co-dependent relationships by building support systems, learning to say “no,” and becoming a “good ender.” The series includes a guided imagery to help you visualize the success (and fear) you desire and describes how to create a “Mind Map” to help you keep moving in the direction of your deepest desires.