TextGod – InstaGod Download
Turn Your Instagram Into An Automated Dating Machine With The Passive Attraction Method
From: Louis Farfields a.k.a. The TextGod
You know what’s the biggest online mistake that almost all men make with dating?
You have a match or a number, and now you need to get her interested enough for a date. How do you do that? By sending her a bunch of clever texts of course!
I don’t blame you. It’s a rookie mistake.
With chatting you create what I call Active Attraction.
It’s a lot of work, it takes years to master, and just one mistake can completely kill the vibe.
But Active Attraction is only one side of the coin. And it’s the weaker type of attraction.
The other way is more secure, more effective, and easier to apply.
Imagine this:
What if you’re a famous yet average looking moviestar. And a random cute girl matches you on Tinder. Do you think it would be hard to get her excited for a date?
Of course not. Girls will be standing in line to go on a date with you. Even though you never even talked to them.
The secret shortcut is the superior type of attraction: Passive Attraction.
Guys who use this right basically only have to ask her out for a date, while their Passive Attraction does the heavy lifting.
Because girls are exposed to you all the time, they’ve seen how awesome you are and how people respect you. That’s why girls will just jump in bed with a singer or actor, while another guy has to take her out on seven dates, if he even gets the chance.
One guy has to fight for the attraction (active) while the other can lean back and relax (passive).
Now I won’t make the claim that they’ll line up for you like groupies at a rock concert. But hear this:
It’s super easy to make her feel attracted, safe, intrigued, AND aroused by applying the power of Passive Attraction.
Instead of having to invest and prove yourself, she will be the one chasing you.
In simple words: she’ll be A LOT more invested in you and won’t flake when you ask her out, all while you’re not even texting her.
This is what you have to understand:
The only reason you’re chatting with a girl is to establish that you’re interesting, fun, and have an attractive life.
She doesn’t know you yet, and she needs to figure these things out.
But if you’re showing your value MOSTLY or ONLY through text then you’re fighting a losing battle.
It’s just words on a screen that have to convey how awesome it is to be with you.
So what if there is another way of conveying who you are and how fun it is to be with you?
A shortcut to create attraction without even talking to her? And without having to pursue a career in acting first 😉
That’s where social media comes in. And especially Instagram.
And I am not talking about showing off your looks or yacht. Nor posting your meals in your stories. And I’m definitely not talking about pics of you pretending to be on the phone (those are the worst!)
Your Instagram profile lets a normal guy like you or me use the power of mass media.
Even if you set your profile to private, it still allows you to reach every single girl you ever talked to constantly, at the same time.
And if you’re smart and know what you are doing: it’s a well-crafted piece of art that shows off how much fun it could be to be with you.
One peek and she knows whether you’re boring as f*ck or if she’ll have a great time being around you.
She’ll instantly know if she’s dating up or dating down. And that’s what her initial attraction is based on.

If you’re not using the power of passive attraction, your words and actions need to do all the heavy lifting.
And that’s a risky endeavor. You’re making it unnecessarily hard for yourself.
However, to craft your perfect instagram profile that sparks passive attraction, you need to know what you’re doing.
If you mess up, you might actually create passive repulsion. Making it nearly impossible to get her interested.
There’s a fine line between showing off a great personality and looking like a try-hard.
That’s why I created:
It’s my field-tested method to craft the perfect Instagram-profile that magnetically pulls girls in and leaves them begging for a date with you.
Even if your life is really not that interesting, you don’t have good photos of yourself, and without having to show-off thousands of followers.
It almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
My method definitely wasn’t an overnight success. It took me years to figure out the secrets to this Passive Attraction method. Not only did I test tons of different photo and story tactics, I also called up dozens of people.
The power of InstaGod comes from combining my 10 years of setting up dates for TextGod mentees, paired with probing the brains of the most popular girls.
This course was built together with every type of hot girl you can imagine.
From the cute nerdy girl, to the charming girl next door, to the sexy party girl, to the gorgeous lingerie model that has more followers than all your friends combined. I used every connection I made over the years for this course.
(And yep, you can see the recording of my intense convos with them inside InstaGod)
My Passive Attraction system in full effect.
Once Passive Attraction takes a hold, it’s game over.
Why it works?
Because you’ll learn how to convey the 6 characteristics of a high value man:
- Raw masculinity
- Sharp wit
- Comfortable sexuality
- Strong connections to people dear to you
- A polarizing edge (that you’re 0% ashamed about)
- And hint of manners, education, and culture
With InstaGod’s Passive Attraction System:
- You’ll have an unfair advantage over even the best looking guys, without having any followers.
- Your Instagram does 75% of the heavy lifting for you, without you having to do crazy stuff all the time or even having to post something every week
- Girls will get warmed up for you after you’ve gotten their IG on a dating app or in real life (while you’re working or playing video games)
- You’re building attraction with girls your chatting with, even if you’re not talking to them
- You can’t accidentally f*ck up because you’re following a step-by-step system
- You’re continually impressing her without having to brag through text or being online all the time
- She will be charmed by your awesome Instagram life every time she opens the app
- You’ll start having fun with this, as we make sure you convey YOUR character online in simple-to-use formats
- You have to spend way less time on dating and texting apps while still increasing her attraction to you
- Simply reel in the date and have more girls in your life.
Module 1: The Passive Attraction System
- 3 Photo archetypes EVERY profile needs to attract girls
- 20+ Examples of the best IG photos of Louis Farfields, his friends, and his coaches
- How to casually stay on a hot girl’s radar without being needy
- 6 Fundamental story templates to rotate to make anyone HOOKED on you
- 10+ Examples of stories on teasing your friends (the essence of male friendship)
- My favorite funny Instagram filter to joke around with friends
- Easy 2-step story format to use when you’re meeting a friend
- How to make a night out even better with a simple story format
- 1 Very easy stealable format that’s flirty and makes girls slide in your DMs
- How CNC creates feelings of deep connection with you
- Quick setup-punch structure for IG stories in the gym
- Music trick to make everyday situations instantly funny
- The dick pic is passé: but women MELT for this subtle variation
- The art of polarizing: How to make her LOVE you FAST
- The ONLY way to do follower interaction (without being a wannabe influencer)
- The non-obvious way to make any picture funny
- If you see anybody running in the gym or the street: a simple format to use for Instagram stories that make her laugh
- Using the Mood-format in a cute way (don’t be an ‘Instagram cool guy’ all the time)
- “You’re so much hotter now I know you’re also into art” – Hot girl in my DMs. How to show some culture the RIGHT way!
- A simple story format for ANY time you’re in a restaurant or coffee place with a friends
- How to show you’re cool with your sexuality without being weird (girls LOVE this)
- 3 Rules that get you dates through social media content
- The “Who did it best” story format that makes girls react to your content
- 50+ of Louis’ BEST stories over many years of dating
- How the perfect Billie:Hottie Ratio makes her equal amounts aroused as comfrotable
- The subtle Dick Trick™ photo that actually makes girls horny without being vulgar or creepy
- How to look hot online: The male equivalent of no bra or cameltoes
Module 2: Sexy First Impressions
- Warning: Why you REALLY shouldn’t use AI for bios
- 5 Subtle bio mistakes that unknowingly ruin your attraction
- The technique Mark Manson uses for attractive writing (Casestudy)
- Special bonus: Lingerie model’s opinion on Instagram bios!
- Easy trick to make your social media’s aesthetic better (great for professionals too)
Module 3: The Fundamentals Of A 10/10 Instagram
- The ultimate guide to shooting your own godlike photos
- When, how, and where to shoot 10/10 pics (also great for Tinder!)
- How to set up your phone for quick photo results women will love
- Posture tips that makes you stand out from most men on IG
- Tips from a top model that lead to coach Dan’s BEST photo ever
- How to find your best angle (girls ALL know this, and you’re missing out if you don’t!)
- The 3 different angles you need to look your most attractive self
- Why most photoshoots are a WASTE OF TIME & MONEY (and how to overcome this)
- How to finally stop worrying about your pose or hands during a shoot
- The #1 look to exude more confidence in your photos
- Bonus trick to get enhance your jawline MASSIVELY
- How you get professionally edited pics in under 3 minutes with only your phone
- Live demonstration by Louis editing a new photo
- How to look your absolute best self without becoming a nasty catfish
- Everything you need to know about the best photos to shoot (with many examples)
- Very practical tips so you’ll easily get great photos
- Louis on lighting, background, technique, posing, mindset: perfect for IG but also for dating apps
- How to ask what women think of your social media without being cringe
- The secret of Louis’ BEST photo that got most reactions from girls
- How to write great captions
- Why girls HATE it when you’re posing with ‘laptop lifestyle Bali cigar club bullshit’
- The best time to post so you max out the comments & likes
- The secret to Louis’ best 3 photos
- Funny captions that make girls laugh (Steal These!)
Module 4: Making Her Addicated To You Through Stories
- How to turn old content into stories she loves
- Live demonstration of Louis creating a highlight reel (what to select and what ignore)
- The mindset, things to watch out for, and technical details of a perfect highlight reel
- The 3 step fill-in-the-blanks format to make girls slide in my DMs (a popular IG girl actually stole this format from me lol)
- Smartly placed memes you can copy-paste that get A LOT of reactions
- The ‘1 word + video’ formula that is guaranteed to make girls laugh over text
- Simple trick to stand out in her DMs (especially when you have a lot of competition!)
Module 5: Sliding & Texting (Advanced)
- 4 Infield clips from 3 TextGod coaches getting Instagrams from girls IRL
- The mindset to easily get her Instagram without making it awkward
- 5 Lines for easily asking for her contact info
- What to say when she suggests you should follow her (but you’re not sure whether she’ll follow you back)
- Infield bonus clip demonstrating the social freedom of advanced daygame
- The art of reacting to her story (real example)
- How Louis keeps the conversation going when her texts are short
- How to push your teases & sexualization to the a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e max
- Creating contrast: This is how you stand out in her DMs
- When to tease, when to sexualize, and when to be normal over text
- Advanced case study filled with humor, lines, and texts that turn her on